HyperionX9 pro

The 3-in-1 system designed for the future.
Hyperion X9 pro offers the very best of 3D technology, cephalometric projections and a wide range of 2D examinations.
- Configurable and modular
- Image technology and quality
- Optimal user experience
- Comfort and ergonomics
- Full connectivity
- Description
- Direct Conversion
- 3D
- 2D
- Work Flow
- Case Studies
- Data Sheet

power and versatility.
Maximum flexibility for your diagnoses. Hyperion X9 pro is fully configurable and its modular and scalable design makes it possible to transition from a basic to a more advanced version in an easy and cost-effective manner. An extraordinary platform that adapts to the needs of your dental practice thanks to the 2D PAN/CEPH sensor, which can be easily relocated, and the reversible teleradiographic arm which can be installed on both sides. Moreover, the standard 2D sensor can be replaced with the innovative direct conversion DCIII sensor to provide SuperHD images with low doses. The most versatile extra-oral 3-in-1 imaging device on the market. Perfect for ultra-high quality 2D and 3D exams with very low doses.
- Easily upgraded to all configurations
- Reversible CEPH arm
- Operates with relocatable 2D sensor or two sensors
- The most compact 3-in-1 system
- Direct conversion 2D sensor

Direct Conversion
The standard 2D sensor can be replaced with the innovative direct conversion DCIII sensor to provide SuperHD images with low doses.
DCIII technology applies the innovative direct conversion sensor that has revolutionised PiE (Powerful image Enhancer) 2D imaging. Standard systems convert X-rays into visible light which is, in turn, converted into electrical signals to create the digital image. With DCIII technology, instead, the sensor receives and processes the X-rays directly, resulting in increased sensitivity and efficiency without any loss of detail. This lets users obtain both high resolution images with greater contrast at low doses and extremely detailed images from fast-scan, ultra-low dose protocols such as QuickCEPH or QuickPAN.


SuperHD diagnosis.
MultiFOV and high resolution: wonderfull 3D images for all your radiology needs.
- Multi FOV from 4 x 4 to 13 x 16 cm
- Upgraded generator
- Extremely high resolution (up to 68μm)
- Fast CB3D scan (as brief as 3.6 s)
- Low dose

FOV 6 X 6 CM

FOV 4 X 4 CM

FOV 10 X 8 CM

FOV 13 X 16 CM
FOV 6 X 6 CM

6 cm height to view sectors along the dental arch. Scan only the area you are interested in: hemiarches or frontal zones, without excluding the occlusal area or the base of the mandible, thereby reducing the patient’s dose to the patients.
FOV 4 X 4 CM

The highest resolution available on the market at your disposal. Captures every detail up to 68μm and brings your work to a higher level. Possibility to perform very lowdose analyses in ultrafast scanning (only 3.6s) for easier 3D morphological studies in real time.
FOV 10 X 8 CM

With one single acquisition, Hyperion X9 pro shows the entire dentition of adult patients, including the roots of impacted third molars, in very low-dose with 6.4s ultrafast scanning or in high resolution up to 75μm.
FOV 13 X 16 CM

Widen your view, broaden your diagnosis: from the inferior and superior dental arch to the maxillary and frontal sinuses. Get complete information in one volume that includes upper airways, nose and throat. Obtain a more thorough assessment of the case.
Specialisations for which 3D diagnosis can be used

Ear: 7 x 6 cm (XF)
Nose and maxillary sinuses: 13 x 8 cm
Mouth and Throat: 13 x 10 cm
Complete upper airways: 13 x 16 cm

Dentition up to frontal sinuses: 13 x 16 cm
Ascending mandibular branches: 13 x 10 cm
Zygomatic arches and sinuses: 13 x 8 cm
Maxillary sinuses: 10 x 10 cm
Teeth: 4 x 4 cm (XF)
Complete dentition, adult: 10 x 8 cm
Single dental arch, adult: 10 x 6 cm
Complete dentition, child: 8 x 8 cm
Single dental arch, child: 8 x 6 cmHemiarch or anterior dentition: 6 x 6 cm

TMJ: 7 x 6 cm (XF) open mouth/closed mouth Cervical spine: 9 x 9 cm (XF) - Voxel 68 μm

FOV with a 10 cm diameter, also essential for reliable acquisition of the complete roots of impacted third molars and height up to 10 cm. At an exceptional resolution of 75μm, Hyperion X9 pro provides, with a single acquisition, images of the entire dentition and the surrounding bone structures. The perfect tool to plan multiple implants, also with the use of surgical guides.
The 13 x 16 cm FOV captures the complete upper airways in one single examination. Detailed view of the entire dentition, maxillary sinuses and upper airways, so as to clearly identify possible signs of narrowing and correctly diagnose obstructive sleep apnea syndromes (OSAS).
Perfection in details
Simple and versatile, but also technologically advanced.
Hyperion X9 pro integrates extraordinary innovations that bring the future of 3D diagnostics to your clinic.

The main advantage of 360-degree scanning is a considerable reduction of artifacts. Hyperion X9 pro combines this type of acquisition with extremely fast execution times. In just 14” it is indeed possible to carry out complete high-resolution examinations at low X-ray doses: excellent quality, detailed particulars, fast diagnosis.

The constant potential generator, equipped with a focal spot of just 0.5mm, optimises exposure thanks to the pulsed emission technology thereby ensuring the best results with the lowest irradiated dose.

The technologically-advanced 3D control panel stands out for its exceptional sensitivity which allows for extremely detailed examinations. Volumes of complete dentition and upper airways in SuperHD quality for accurate diagnoses at all times.

Capture every detail
High-definition images, extremely sharp details, upgraded MultiPAN system for maximum results in every situation.
The 2D sensor is easily relocated and interchangeable. You can choose, immediately or at a later date, between the STANDARD CMOS (CsI) sensor which generates sharp, uniform, high definition images while keeping doses low, or the revolutionary, even higher-performing CMOS (Cd-Te) direct conversion (DCIII) sensor that provides ultra-high resolution images at ultra-low doses and optimises Hyperion X9 pro performance.
- Dedicated 2D sensors: DCIII (Cd-Te) and/or (CsI)
- Ultra-high orthogonality and constant magnification
- Variable collimation
- Broad depth of field
- PiE (Powerful Image Enhancer) filters
Discover a world of examinations.
Optimized 2D programmes for unparalleled panoramic and cephalometric images.

HD panoramic X-ray and QuickPAN
MultiPAN SuperHD with 5 layers (with STD sensor) or up to 11 (with DCIII sensor)
Full and reduced panoramic X-ray for children
Orthogonal projection for the whole dentition (reduces the overlapping of dental crowns)
Segments of panoramic X-ray and dentition with optimised dedicated projections
Bitewing exposures in 4 segments limited to the crowns, so as to highlight interproximal cavities

Latero-lateral projection of both TMJs.
Postero-anterior projection of both TMJs.
Latero-lateral projection from multiple angles (x3) of a single TMJ
Postero-anterior projection from multiple angles (x3) of a single TMJ.

Frontal or left/right side view of the maxillary sinuses
Frontal sinuses view

MULTIPAN SuperHD up to 11 layers
Innovative DCIII technology, which improves depth of field and increases contrast - and therefore real resolution power - lets users obtain SuperHD panoramic images from extremely extensive datasets to provide an 11-layer MultiPAN. Highly useful in the case of complex morphologies.

Optimise every perspective.
High performance, ultrafast scans and a complete selection of cephalometric projections. Choose the examination that best suits your diagnostic requirements.
Hyperion X9 pro modular platform allows to add the teleradiography module at any time and with extreme ease. Its cephalometric arm is a true engineering masterpiece. Besides being the most compact system on the market, it is also reversible: it can be mounted either on the left or on the right, and, if space requirements change, Hyperion X9 pro CEPH changes with you. The relocatable latest-generation PAN/CEPH sensor, combined with an upgraded generator, guarantees excellent performance in any application. Select the exam that best suits your diagnostic needs choosing between ultrafast or high-quality scan.
- Minimum bulk
- Ultra-rapid scan
- Variable field of view and FULL CEPH positioning
- Dual sensor available, also PAN DCIII & CEPH STD combi
- Postero-anterior and latero-lateral QuickCEPH
Teleradiographic Examinations
Latero-lateral projection with selectable scan length
Paediatric latero-lateral projection with reduced height, short scan and low dose
FULL CEPH projection with reduced thyroid exposure and inclusion of skullcap in children
Antero-posterior or postero-anterior projection
Submento-vertex (SMV) projection, including Waters’ and reverse Towne views
Carpus projection

Smart Collimation
Thanks to the patented primary servo-controlled collimator, it possible to select the exact area to expose to the X-rays.
The patent-pending secondary collimator for teleradiography projections is integrated into the rotating module and allows for an easy access with minimum footprint.
Optimised work flow
Hyperion X9 pro optimises your work, adapts to your needs and allows to focus on what’s really important: your diagnoses.

Hyperion X9 pro is equipped with a user-friendly interface, also available in the iPad-specific application, for an easy and intuitive control. In few simple steps you can choose and set up the most appropriate exam based on the clinical and anatomical relevance.

The multi-platform control panel gives you easy and immediate access to all the device features. The interface guides you step by step, from the exam selection to its preparation, with FOV guided positioning. The result is easier, faster and more effective examinations.

User-friendly graphics and direct controls make your work easier, providing patients with a more relaxing experience. Hyperion X9 pro is characterised by the simplicity of use and the rapidity of procedures, such as the possibility to choose predetermined programmes directly from the homepage. The control panel interface provides precise instructions on the patient’s positioning depending on the selected protocol.
Hyperion X9 pro allows you to offer your patients the best conditions for effective examinations in a serene and cooperative environment serene and cooperative environment.

The positioning is fast and accurate thanks to an alignment system with 4 laser beams projected directly on the patient’s face and to the state-of-theart ergonomic head support unit equipped with 7 fixing points for maximum stability during scanning. The Face to Face positioning guarantees maximum freedom of movement and the patient’s comfort.

Through the Scout View system it is possible to centre the volume on the area of interest, while the patient can remain in the same comfortable position. From the PC, the operator can view the two images (sagittal and frontal) at very low irradiation and accurately modify the scanning area letting the equipment, supplied with servo-assisted movements, find the correct position. This procedure eliminates the risk of having to repeat the examination.

Thanks to advanced QuickScan protocols, available for both 2D examinations and 3D cquisitions, it is possible to obtain accurate images with lower doses as compared to a standard acquisition. These protocols are the ideal tool for post-surgery check-ups and for the identification of any macrostructures (such as impacted teeth or dental agenesis).
Advanced, reliable, iRYS.
The best all-in-one software platform for 2D and 3D imaging. iRYS is DATA PROTECTION certified and IHE compliant with DICOM networks.

- Multi-desktop 2D/3D
- Implant simulation
- Compatibility with third parties’ software
- Sharing with 2D and 3D image viewer
- iRYS Viewer for iPad

FOV Interactive View
The FOV Interactive View option allows the size and position of the scan area tobe redefined directly on the patient’s photo frame.
Case studies
Dental panoramic radiographs
Orthogonal panoramic X-ray: minimises the overlapping of adjacent teeth and provides better periodontal analysis.
Dental panoramic radiographs
Fast panoramic X-ray: low dose and reduced scan time, perfect for primary investigations, follow-ups or uncooperative patients.

Dental panoramic radiographs
Child panoramic X-ray: limited exposure and optimised parameters for fast paediatric examinations.

Dental panoramic radiographs
Complete dentition divided into quadrants: localised investigations with selectable segmentation to limit the irradiated dose.

Dental panoramic radiographs
Bitewing projections limited to crowns: high resolution and low dose, a comfortable alternative to intraoral imaging, appreciated by patients with a strong gag reflex.
Stratigrafie extraorali
Articolazioni Temporo-Mandibolari: destra e sinistra, a bocca aperta o chiusa ed in proiezione latero-laterale e postero- anteriore con proiezione multi-angolare.

Stratigrafie extraorali
Seni Mascellari: in vista frontale, laterale destra e sinistra, con traiettoria ottimizzata.

Latero-Laterale: con dettagli ossei e tessuti molli in evidenza, fondamentale per studi cefalometrici.

Antero-Posteriore: per indagare asimmetrie e malocclusioni al fine di un corretto trattamento.

Orthodontic applications
FOVs with a 10 cm diameter are essential for the study of impacted third molars because, in an adult of medium build, the distance between the third molars on the left and right, including the respective roots, the alveolar process and the surrounding bone, is at least 9 cm. Reduced fields of view are useful when analysing impacted or supernumerary teeth in order to restrain the dose to the region of interest. For a correct treatment planning it is indeed crucial to determine the actual position (vestibular or palatal). This is only possible with a 3D analysis, even at a very low dose, with the QuickScan protocol. The complete 13 x 16 cm field of view allows for an accurate assessment of the upper airways, which is often useful to complete the investigation for an orthodontic treatment that does not neglect ENT problems.

Advanced implant planning
Position the equipment directly on the 3D model, combine it with the STL data from intraoral scanners and define the final prosthetic project. With the advanced implant planning tools you will be able to operate safely thanks to accurate information on the amount of bone and the distance from the surrounding anatomical structures, such as the mandibular canal, defining a minimum safety distance.

Volume analysis
The software feature for the assessment of the sinus floor lift volume allows for an early planning of the intervention and for a perfectly safe procedure. It is also possible to trace lines directly on the virtual model of the patient thereby assessing morphological relations on the 3D rendering.

Assessment of zygomatic implants
Volumes with 13 x 8 cm or 13 x 10 cm FOV are the perfect tool for zygomatic implant planning as the 13cm diameter is the only one that makes it possible to include the entire zygomatic arch, without cuts.
Technical specifications
Detector technology | Amorphous silicon - CsI with direct deposition | Amorphous silicon - CsI with direct deposition |
Dynamic range | 16 bit (65535 livelli di grigio) | 16 bit (65535 grey levels) |
Typical scan time | 14,4 s | 14,4 s |
Rotation | 360°/180° | 360°/180° |
Image voxel size | Minimum 75 μm | Minimum 68 μm |
Available FOV sizes (Øxh) | 6x6 - 8x6 - 8x8 - 10x6 - 10x8 | 6x6 - 8x6 - 8x8 - 10x6 - 10x8 10x10 - 13x8 - 13x10 - 13x16 4x4 - 7x6 - 9x9* (*eXtended Functionality) |
Typical image size | 495 MB | 820 MB |
Minimum scan time | 6,4 s | 3,6 s |
Typical X-ray exposure time | 1.6 s (Low-dose QuikScan) - 8.0 s (SuperHD Mode) | 1.6 s (Low-dose QuikScan) - 8.0 s (SuperHD Mode) |
Patient alignment | Servo-assisted: Scout View method | Servo-assisted: Scout View method |
Image format | Exclusive iRYS and DICOM 3.0 software | Exclusive iRYS and DICOM 3.0 software |
Minimum render times for CB3D data | 15 s on average | On average, real-time for FOV XF 4x4 QuickScan |
Connections | LAN / Ethernet |
Software | MyRay iRYS (compliant with ISDP© 10003:2018 in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 certificate number 2019003109-1) and App iPad |
Supported protocols | DICOM 3.0, TWAIN, VDDS |
DICOM nodes | IHE- compliant (Print; Storage Commitment; WorkList MPPS; Query Retrieve) |